Determinants of adoption of rainwater-harvesting technologies in a rain shadow area of southern Malawi

This paper examines determinants of the adoption of rainwater-harvesting technologies in a rain shadow area of southern Malawi. The most common ex situ technologies in the area were dams, and the widely used in situ technologies were box ridges, contour markers and swales.

Impact of conservation agriculture on maize yield and food security: Evidence from smallholder farmers in Zimbabwe

Conservation agriculture is promoted as a green technology that enhances the productivity and food security of farmers. However, there is limited evidence from practising farmers regarding these expected outcomes.

Spatial price transmission under different policy regimes: A caseof maize markets in Kenya

Kenya, like most countries in the Eastern and Southern Africa region, has continued to be
overwhelmed by high and volatile food prices. In an effort to mitigate this problem, the government has implemented various trade and marketing policy instruments. The aim of this study is to examine whether the policies implemented have achieved their desired effects.

Barriers to trade in Sub-Saharan Africa food markets

This continent-wide review of studies on price transmission implemented for the global, regional cross-border, within-country urban and within-country rural market segments provides a broad overview of current conditions in Sub-Saharan Africa food markets and provides insights into how market development varies across regions and crops.