Prospects for sustainable intensification of soybean production in sub-Saharan Africa

There is a significant soybean yield gap in sub-Saharan African (SSA) countries. Sustainable intensification of the agricultural sector to reduce such a yield gap is important. Increasing soybean productivity can meet the growing demand for food and feed when complemented with higher soy meal demand by the local livestock industry.

Impacts de la présence des intermédiaires sur l’intégration spatiale des marchés agricoles au Cameroun : une analyse par l’approche ARDL

L’intégration des marchés est un élément clé pour comprendre la transmission des prix entre les marchés et maîtriser les équilibres (les efficiences). Cependant, certains facteurs peuvent entraver l’atteinte de cette efficience.

Income and greenhouse gas (GHG) emission trade-offs on smallholder farms at two sites in northern Nigeria

This study analyses the trade-offs between welfare (measured by income) and greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions using a farm-level optimisation model that incorporates the predominant cereal (sorghum), legumes (groundnut, soybeans), livestock (cattle, goats and sheep) and trees (locust bean, camel’s foot) representative of production systems at two contrasting sites in northern Nigeria.

African agriculture in the context of COVID-19: Finding salvation in the devil

The world is facing unprecedented challenges from COVID-19, which is disrupting lives and livelihoods. The pandemic could profoundly affect the African continent and wipe out hard-won development gains, as sub-Saharan Africa heads into its first recession in 25 years.

Déterminants d’insolvabilité des termes de contrats agricoles : cas des riziculteurs du Burkina Faso

La production du riz sous contrat a pour avantage de répondre aux exigences de la qualité de la production du riz et de satisfaire la demande intérieure du riz pour le pays. Cette étude a pour objectif d’analyser les critères d’insolvabilité des contrats des riziculteurs au Burkina Faso.

Effect of social networks on household dietary diversity: Evidence from smallholder farmers in Kisii and Nyamira counties, Kenya

Nutrition knowledge is an important driver of household dietary diversity that can be improved through access to nutrition information. However, in many rural areas, the formal flow of nutrition information is limited, although social networks could play an important role as an informal source of such information.

Impact of Nile perch (Lates niloticus) overfishing on fishers’ income: Evidence from Lake Victoria, Tanzania

Despite the crucial role played by Nile perch in the income of fishers around Lake Victoria, Tanzania, fishing pressure has increased in recent years and has led to overfishing and, consequently, a risk to the lake’s future sustainability and the fishers’ livelihoods. This study used data collected in 2018 from 268 randomly selected sample fishers at 10 landing sites across Lake Victoria.